Governance - Medical Staff
Governance - Medical Staff
Medical Staff Leadership development – we coach newly elected committee members on how to interpret your by-laws, their fiduciary responsibility and knowledge of Joint Commission standards as it applies to Medical Staff governance including Credentials Committee and Medical Executive Committee, individually or via boot-camp
By-laws, Rules and Regs, Credentialing policy – conducts reviews of current documents, offer gap analysis, complete a crosswalk with Joint Commission standards and help prepare for surveys
Much of what we do either directly or indirectly identifies and mitigates compliance risk. Right from our discovery phase during on-boarding, red flags are identified, assessed, and are incorporated within the solutions we deliver for implementation. During the credentialing enrollment process, we are vigilant towards negligent credentialing risks. During payer enrollment, we are researching any exclusions including avoiding any IRS holds stemming out of any ownership documentation or provider documentations.
Our team has helped hospitals prepare for accreditation for the first time and prepare entities for NCQA accreditation. We develop policies to meet the standards and structure to obtain accreditation
By-law review
Rules and Regs review
Credentialing policy develop or review existing policy
Peer Review committee design and structure
Crosswalk between Joint Commission standards and by-laws
Policy reviews and updates
Boot camp for Credentials committee members